Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

As you all know, Miss Lucy loves to be on the table with me each morning as I have my quiet time or read.  Well, the morning of this picture  I walked around to tell her to get down and as I did she yawned oh so wide...looks like he is telling me what she thinks of my idea!  Oh, I am so proud of the way I am treated by the "children"....those of you with cats know exactly what I am talkin' about.

Here is a picture of Scott and his dad taken Sat. at their house. 

Here is Caelynn and Rachael the birthday girl.

Rachael was surprised with 2 full cans of silly string. 



This afternoon while I was preparing our dinner I looked out the kitchen window a road runner had come up to the edge of the porch.  I grabbed the camera and got this picture.  It ran off before I could get any more.

We wish each and everyone of you a very blessed and happy Easter.  What a wonderful day as we take a moment to thank our Lord for the resurrection of his Son.  We had a wonderful weekend.  Saturday was our grand daughter Rachael's 10th birthday.  We went over for a family celebration.  Today was a quiet afternoon.  Had a lovely morning at church and then we enjoyed an early dinner here.  Looks like a busy week so really enjoyed the quietness of today.  We are still praying for rain.  The ground is oh so dry.  For those of you that don't live here - there was a ban on outdoor grilling and even smoking at the local parks and state parks this weekend.  Its that DRY!  We so need the rain.  So for those of you that are enjoying rain....please share it with us and send it this way.    All our love to all,   Ken and Glynda  :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ken celebrates his birthday

Ken turning 73 - he is still my hunky hunky.  His beard may now be white, but he is still the man I fell in love with and married.  Love you sweetie.

Ok, can you get any more relaxed than this?  Ken was asleep in his chair, and guess that Lucy decided to join her "dad" in naptime.

Here is my attempt at taking a picture of the moon.  I tried to take it thru the trees so thats what you see  on the right side of the pic.  My camera is not a fancy one with nite time options.

Monday Ken celebrated his 73rd birthday. We enjoyed a quiet day and then went out to dinner at SaltGrass Steak Restaruant.  We had a great dinner, both enjoyed a glass of wine and topped it off with cheesecake (a birthday gift from the restaruant).  Thank you SaltGrass.  We went over to our neighbors house on Sat.  They were having a crawfish boil/fish fry.  We went over about 5 and had lots of good eats.  They had lots of zydeco (??? spelling) music and then around 6:30 a live band began to play.  We stayed until 8.  Since Ken was in his off road vechicle (his power chair) we knew we needed to leave while he could still see the ground and not run into a hole somewhere.  We were all laughing that since the music was so loud would any of the neighbors call the police....well, 1) we dont have police in Webberville and 2) all the neighbors were at the party so we were all okay.  We got to visit with everyone and just sit, eat and listen to good music.  Sunday Ken's sugar was low (in the hi 50's) so I stayed close to home.  After a good breakfast he felt better.  We spent the afternoon enjoying the race.  OMG- What a finish.  Just knew my boy, Greg Biffle was gonna pull it out....but alas, no.  I spent the afternoon working on paper roses for Sept. wedding.  Punched out and started on the first 36 roses.  Going quicker than expected.  All our love to everyone and thank you all for phone calls and cards.  Ken loved them all.    Ken and Glynda :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yahoo - spring is here!

Here are the Easter baskets I made for all the girls this year.  Disclaimer....Cherry - dont show these pics to the girls...want it to be a surprise!  I had bought really cute metal baskets this year with cut outs around the middle, but they didnt work as I had planned so hit my stash for love my metal can stash!

I used the test tubes that I used for Halloween.  Filled them with Star Burst jelly beans in pastel colors.

I just love using these cups on projects.  Here I filled the cup with M & M's and used as the center of my spring flowers.  I covered the back of the cup with foil, so makes it a lot easier to get at the candy (I usually use card stock) then hot glued the flower to a candy stick.  Looks good enough to eat!!!!!!!

This is just a little fun poke for the basket.  The egg is done in Dazzling Diamonds glitter - gotta have glitter!

Last but not least - a carrot.  Thank you Valita (valitasdesignsandfreshideas) for the idea.  I had already decided to do this carrot, but could not come up with greenery idea for the top of the carrot.  Then I visited her site and - oh yes - that's what I wanted.   The basket was then finished off with a cookies and cream bunny.  Hope the girls will enjoy.  The Easter bunny will be making his delivery on Thurs.  

Good Saturday morning to everyone.  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and hope you enjoy time spent with those you love.  Its been a semi quiet week here.  I got out on Thurs. and did some weedwacking and some mowing.  Then I decided to tackle (and tackle is a very good choice of words!) the 4 shrubs along the back of our house that are in front of the bedroom windows.  Now they are "scalped", cut way way back, and our bedroom is actually 10 times brighter now that light can get thru!  Course this means I have one huge burn pile, and right now we have not idea when or even if we will be able to burn this year.  The last time I had a huge pile it was almost 3 years before I could burn.  I may look into renting a wood chipper for a day and just mulch it up.  Sure I can find a use for the mulch.  My foot is getting stronger every day.  I push myself on it, but the doc said to keep doing whatever it was that I was doing cause it was I am.  That's not to say that at nite I pay for it, but thats okay, cause I am on it more every day and pushing it to the limit.  I took Lily to a Dr. appt. yesterday.  I picked her up at noon, then we were thru about 1:15.  I didn't take her back to school, instead we went to the mall and walked around for about 45 min. window shopping  until the movie  RIO started.  It is such a cute movie.  We laughed all the way thru it.  Then we finished up the day with ice cream and was the perfect way to end a perfect day and week.  I am starting to work on roses for Billy and Mitzi's wedding.  I will post pics in the next few weeks, but will not post picture of actual "cake" until after the wedding.  I want it to be a surprise.  Better go for now.  Chores are a'callin me.  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a glorious Sunday

Here is a close up of one of the hummingbirds sitting in our tree.  He's the bladk spot towards the top of the picutre....I really had to   zoom in to get him.

Now he's coming in for a landing on one of the feeders. 

Proud of this close-up.  Those little wings are really flappin'

  Landed safely and time to eat.

Good morning everyone.  I was not so gently awaken this morning at 6:30 when Miss Kitty and Miss Ethel decided to go at it thru the about a lot of catter-wallowing!!!!!  Ok, Ok, I am up!  But after my feet hit the floor and I went out to enjoy my first cup of coffee with Miss Kitty while she had breakfast God sure did give me a great show.  The sun rose oh so brightly, and the critters were out in full force. The small bunnies are out and enjoying the fresh grass to nibble on.  I watched the very fat possum waddle across the back yard, climb the fence post and head over to my neighbors yard.  Miss Kitty decided she would follow it, but I was able to change her mind and keep her up on the porch.  The barn swallows are back in mass.  The cats love to sit at the back door and watch them...we call it their "kitty TV".  Ethel tried to climb the glass window the other day to get to them.  So now until fall my front and back porch will be messy from them.  The hummingbirds are back and spend a lot of time in the early AM feeding.  Hope you enjoyed the pics I took this morning.  I had to stop putting out bird seed for a while.  As soon as I fill up the feeders these black birds (dont know what they are) swarm the feeders and within a few hours they have emptied the feeders.  The cardinals, dove and other small birds get nothing.  So will wait a bit to put out food again and see if maybe they have moved on.  Things are pretty quiet here.  We are waiting to hear when my dad has back surgery.  He has an EMG on April 28 and then will follow up with surgeon in a week.  Guess that then they will discuss type of surgery and when.  Ken is doing pretty good.  He did not sleep well last nite and this morning I could not get him to wake up (or once awake to stay awake.)  Finally got him up and to the table about 10.  His sugar was low (82) but not dangerously low,so this and lack of sleep last nite, he just falls asleep as soon as he gets still for a few minutes. Know that today will be a sleepy kinda day for him.  Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this beautiful day.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring is here.....

Hi everyone!  It is truly feeling like spring is here.  We had a couple of days where it was chilly but yesterday was 93 - so guess its more like summer is here instead of spring.  Today is cooler.  Everything here is covered in a layer of green pollen...oh so nice.  I am gonna get out today and do some yard work.  With my foot feeling so much better I am taking it easy but doing what yard work I can.  Know I will need some help around Ken's shop but think I can do the rest of it.  My dear friend Tina came out Thursday to spend some time with us before she moved to Colo.  Her daughter Claire flew in from Denver last nite, we picked her up from the airport at 11:45.  Came back to the house to get some sleep  and they headed out today  (driving) to Tina's new home in Greenwood Village (just outside Denver).  Yesterday Tina and I got out and "played".  We went to see HOP and then Tina got to do some shopping and use some gift cards she got as a going away present.  So we saw a movie, shopped, enjoyed some good coffee and just enjoyed out time together.  I am so sad to see her move but so excited for the adventure she is starting.  I went to the ortho doc on Tues. and got a good report.  I go back in 2 months and if all is well, that will probably be my last appt.  I just have to remember my foot is still tender and I will have to baby it for about 6 months, but at least I am wearing regular shoes and walking with out walker or cane.  Ken had to go to the doc on Mon.  He is having some swelling of his left leg which causes watery blisters to form and then they burst.  I was afraid that we were heading down the path we started 2 yrs. ago, but no.  The doc gave him an antibiotic to take just in case, but found no evidence of infection.  The leg sure looks a lot better today, still swollen but blisters are all gone and open blister healing up.  We also took his power chair in to see if we can get it lowered some.  It sits so tall that he cant get up under a table.  They can do some modification and lower it about an inch and a half.  Not a lot but maybe it will help.  Since the chair was built just for Ken it is just a tall chair.  My dad is going in for surgery on his back - cervical area.  Not sure when.  He goes to see the neurosurgeon on Fri. and will find out then.  I know he doesnt want surgery, but he has lost so much strength and use of his arm that he cant put it off.  Thats about it from here.  Guess I will get busy and go outside to work.  All our love to all.   Ken and Glynda