Thursday, March 24, 2011

A wonderful birthday

Hello all:  I want to first thank each and everyone of you for the birthday messages, well wishes, cards and phone calls.  You all made my birthday extra special and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I love each and everyone of you.  Thank you all for making me feel extra special.  I slept in till 8 - any later and the cats are nudging me to get up cause they want their special morning treat!  I thought if I laid there long enough they would serve me breakfast in bed - but nooooo, so I got up, made coffee, looked at the paper and thought they would still make me breakfast, but alas NO.  I did enjoy a wonderfully relaxing day and at 5 we went to dinner at Texas Land and Cattle - one of my most favorite places to eat.  I even went wild and had a glass of wine with my dinner.  We topped the dinner off with a huge warm brownie with ice cream.  I really did waddle out to the car!  It was oh so worth it.  Was the perfect ending to a perfect day.  I spent most of it on the phone, but thats what made it so much fun.  I got to spent time out in my shop on Tues. and got all our Easter cards  Now I can start to work on a very special project for an upcoming wedding (Billy and Mitzi!)  and another  project I have been wanting to do.  Having so much fun now that I have 2 legs to walk on! and no wheel chair!  We are gonna have to take Ken' s new power chair in to see if we can get a cushion that is not so thick.  Right now he can not sit in it and fit under a table.  So to eat he has to sit far away from the table.  I will take it in next week and see what they can do...sure hope we can change out the seat cushion or the whole chair can be lowered some.  Ken is engrossed in MI-5 a British TV series about spies....not sure he even knows I am in the room....he loves this series.   Our love to all, and again, thank you all for a great birthday.  Ken and Glynda

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has sprung!

Good glorious morning to you all.  I went outside this morning to feed our little Miss Kitty (outside kitty) and while enjoying the wonderful morning with here and some quiet time, I had my first hummingbird come up to the feeder for the season.  So I ran inside (ok, I wabbled - not ran) got the food and filled the feeder.  I havent seen it back yet, but at least I know they are on their way.  Then when I went out front to get the paper I noticed that I had my first iris bloom and several more ready to bloom.  I feel like the dark dull days of winter are over!!!!  I had a really nice weekend.  My sister was in town so got to spend some time with her on Friday along with Lily and Kitty.  Then Sat. I spent time with my dear friend Tina (who is moving to Colo. on Apr. 2)  and then on Sun. I joined her for a going away brunch given in her honor.  Course while I was out playing Ken was at home OD'ing on basketball games and NASCAR races.  Not sure he knew I was gone (LOL).  You women know what I am talking about.....  Over the next month I am planning on working on some 3-D flowers to be used on diffenent projects.  Will post as I get them done.  I have done a rose and amazed how it turned out.  This site that I go to - well the lady does unbelievable work and her methods make something that looks oh so hard, well she breaks the steps down to make it easy.  Thats it from here.  Ken is doing well.  Still some problems laying down to sleep so he is now sleeping in his new power chair.  He can lean it back like a recliner.  Our love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day

Here is Ken's new hydraulic lift on the back of the van.  It works real slick and sure makes my life oh so much nicer. We still have to have load shocks put on the rear so it doesnt drag when the chair is on.

I have loaded the chair and we are ready for our first outing with the chair.

I just wish that when I took a nap I could sleep this soundly.....she is dead to the world!

I have been making some pins - these are made from soda cans and cut out with my die cut machine and are multi layered so they are dimensional

Top of the mornin' to you all.....ok, thats about as Irish as I get.....all is quiet around here.  We have had some great weather mixed in with a few cold ones.  But I think that the cold is pretty much gone for  We had Lily stay with us this weekend.  I picked her up from school on Fri. and she stayed with us until Sun. afternoon.  It was such a delight to have her visit.  We watched movies and just relaxed.  Since I cant get out and do a lot we had to stay kinda quiet.  We made pizzas Fri. nite and on Sat. it was MooMoo Garden (aka Olive Garden).  It was a true Italian weekend.  Kitty went to New Orleans Fri-Sun. for a Cheer meet.  And this week Madi and her mom are in Calif. to see a doc regarding her arthritis.  My dad is having a procedure next Tues.  He is having an injection into his spine to see if they can pin point exactly where the problem is.  There are 3 or 4 bad spots on his spine so this may be a trial and error approach until they find the exact spot so they will know exactly where to do surgery.  Ken is doing pretty good.  He had fallen out of bed in his sleep back on Feb 28 and hurt his back...think he bruised a rib or pulled something.  Since then he has not been comfortable laying down, so he has slept in the chair everynite.  Hoping he will be able to come back to bed soon.  Know he is tired of sleeping in his chair.  Well, you are up to date on the Moon household.  Hope all have a great week...and hug/kiss those you love.   Love to all   Ken and Glynda :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm Free---I'm Free!

Yes - I am  officially out of the boot and out of the chair.....oh happy day!!!!!!! I turned my chair in yesterday and put the boot in the closet. I am to use the walker when I am out and about but in the house I can do without it.  I had my dr. appt. yesterday and he said that I was healing well.  He felt that I could not stop wearing the boot and put on a shoe.  Ok, this was easier said than done. I only have to wear the boot if my foot is really sore or swelling. Right foot - size 6 and left foot....about a size 9.  He told me to get a good pair of walking shoes and wear these when up and walking.  So this means this girl who never wears shoes except when I am going someplace is gonna have to get used to wearing shoes from the time I get up until I go to bed.  This is gonna take some getting use to.  I am still very sore on the outside of my ankle and foot but Dr. Race said this would ease up after I get stronger.  And he said that it would be 6-8 months before I feel 100% in the foot.  I just have to remind myself to go slow and easy and not get crazy.  Ken went and had eye exam yesterday.  There has been such a slight change in his script that new lens were not necessary.  But the doc wants Ken to see eye surgeon regarding the cataract in his right eye.  So we go next Wed. afternoon.  Will let everyone know what we find out.  Feel like spring is just around the corner.  The days are great ande enjoying the pleasant temps.  The bad side is that the weeds are popping up so next week it is weed spray time.  Trees are starting to bud out...yea!!!!!  Hope everyone is well.  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)