Monday, May 30, 2011


Happy Memorial Day to everyone.  I hope you all have a very special day.  We want to take a moment to thank everyone who has served in the armed forces to protect our country and our liberties.  Thank you is a very small word but know that we appreciate all you have done. 

I was asked to make some note cards for a gift.  Here are a couple of pictures of them.  I will not show them all as it will identify the receipent and I dont want them to know its them until they get the gift.  Once they have been received I will show them all.

Here is my garden for summer 2011.  I had hoped to have a real garden this year but the broken heel pretty much nixed that idea.  I have two pots of tomatos and 2 pots of green bell peppers

 I already have 2 tomatoes and 2 more tiny ones forming on this plant.  The other 2 in the yellow pot have not bloomed yet so no tomotoes yet.

This is my first bell peppers to grow.  Anxious to see how they do

Miss Kitty joined me on the porch last nite while I was enjoying the cool breeze - think she was enjoying it as well

Life is pretty quiet around the Moon household these days.  We have been without a/c for a week but the repairman will be out tomorrow between 12 ande 5!  Yahoo.  With the windows open, the ceiling fans on and 2 oscillating fans going it hasnt been bad. Ok, not great - but tolerable.  Mornings and nites have been nice, but between 1 an 7 it has gotten a bit warm!!!  I have been out in the shop doing a bit of work...its a/c is working great.  I have had several projects to work on so its nice to be out in the shop.  We have a busy week next week.  I see the ortho doc on Tues. and hope that he gives me a good report and I will be released from his care.  I still have some issues - swelling, some pain, but he had said in March that it would take 6 to 8 months.   Then on Thurs. Ken sees the eye doc for some distortion and blurriness in his left eye.  We will also be scheduling cataract surgery on his right eye.   On Wed. Kitty graduates from grade school (5th grade) to middle school at 8:30 and then at 1 Madison graduates from middle school (8th grade) to high school.  It is so hard to believe that next year Cherry will have kids in grade school, middle school and high school.  Seems like yesterday that Cherry was in grade school....

Ken has been in hog heaven this weekend.  He had car races on Sat. and 2 - yes 2 on Sunday.  He watched the Indy 500 and then we both watched the Nascar race.  I was so excited when it looked like my driver Greg Biffle was gonna win!!! It would have been his first race to win this year.  But at the last minute he was running out of gas and had to make a pit stop....and then 2 more drivers ran out of gas at the finish line!!!  It was an exciting end for sure and kept us on the edge of our seats until the end of the race. 

Wishing all a safe and fun day.  All our love,  Ken and Glynda   :)                      

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I am making end of year Teacher gifts.  These are notebook/pencil cases.  I have made 14 but these are pics of just a few of them

More of the teacher gifts

Here is a view of the inside with the note pad and pencil.  I wanted to put pens in the case, but I could not find pens that are 5" long.  These are 5" long mechanical pencils.  They worked just perfect

This is my latest antique shopping find.  Its a drip-a-lator.  A very early version of the coffee maker.  You put coffee in a basket inside the pot and the metal part that shows is where the hot water goes.  The hot water drips down thru the grounds which then drips into the other words....a non electric coffee maker.  It works really well.  It would have been the holy grail if it had been a Jewel Tea Ware drip-a- lator.  I havent found one that I can afford.  They are on Ebay - but not in my budget!

Here is Lily skating away at her 9th birthday party. 

Here is Madi at the party - she is such a beautiful young women.

Lily is all smiles - she was having such a good time 
Ah, sisters!   Making funny faces and "bunny ears".  They sure did ham it up for the camera

Well it is hard for me to believe that it is 3 weeks since I last posted.  I dont know where the time has gone.  It has been pretty quiet around here.  We went to Tyler this week to visit my parents and to visit with Ken's sister Margaret.  It was a good visit with both.  I got to go antiquing with mother and of my favorite things to do.  They took me to a new place and I had so much fun.  I got the drip-a-lator coffee maker, a piece of Jewel Tea Ware and an enameled double boiler (had been looking for one for a while).  The antique shop they took me to is difinitely one I will return to!  They had a great selection and most items were reasonablely priced.  Thats always a good thing.  We have had 2 nice rains here.  Once a week ago on Thurs. and again on this Fri.  It was much needed here.  I will even have to mow because of it.  Thats a good thing.(I think!)  The only problem with the drought is that the bees have taken over  my hummingbird feeders.  They are looking for nectar and since there are no flowers for them to hit they have turned to my feeders.  I had to take them down since I cant sit on the porch anymore because of the bees and wasps.  Once I took down the feeders they went away.    Tomorrow (Monday) Ken and I celebrate our 29th anniversary.  I cant believe that 29 years have come and gone.  WOW!  Its been a wonderful journey.  Hope we have lots more.  Its also been a year since we started the long journey that ended with Ken's amputation.   Its not the end we had hoped for, but Ken's health is so much better once we got the infection out -  Well, thats all from here.  Love to all.  Remember to hug those you love.    Ken and Glynda :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lookin' like a party and loads of pictures

Lily is having her 9th birthday party on Sat. These are her party favor gift bags.  The bag topper says "Have a sweet celebration".  The bags are filled with a bottle of bubbles, gum, laffy taffy, M&M's and stickers.  They were sure fun to make...hardest part was keepin' Uncle Ken out of the candy!  The next 2 pics of different views of the bags.

Yep, thats glitter on them there party hats....cause we know Moo Moo cant make anything with out a touch (or more) of Dazzling Diamond Glitter!!!!!

Sorry for the glare.  Just wanted to show a close up of the bags.

Lucy was not happy that her momma had gone shopping without her.  I had emptied out the Hobby Lobby bag when she got in it and got her head stuck thru the handle and was trying to walk while trying to figure out why was the bag coming with her.  She was toooo funny.

Miss Kitty was up in the pecan tree earlier this week while I was sitting under it.  Not sure what she was licking - think it was her paw.  She had climbed up way to the top and was working her way down.

Miss Kitty thinks that the bird feeder and bird bath are her "Luby's Cafeteria".   There are 2 birds on the ground and it is taking every fiber of her being to stay still and not go leeping at them.  When I am outside I make sure to scare the birds away when she is in the attach mode.....and had already done so twice.  So guess she figured to just watch the birdies.

Think she is thinkin' "Ok, if I maintain this pose and stay really really still the birds will not see me and will come in for a drink....then I can pounce!"  She stood here for several minutes just staring at the water in the bird bath. 

And last but not least, one more hummingbird pic.  Yesterday I was sitting out in the yard just under the hummingbird feeder.  One came in to feed, and I was able to look up and snap this picture.

Hi everyone:  what a wonderful Sunday.  Church was up-lifting and then a cold front came in.....dropped the temp to the low 60's.  OMG- how wonderful.  But still we have no rain.  We are praying for rain like everyone in Travis County, but we dont want the horrific storms that have hit Ala. and Ga.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone and to our family and friends that live in those areas.  We had a quiet week this week,  but this next week is a busy one.  Ken has an appt. on Wed. for cardio-vascular doctor to have study done on left leg.  He's having some swelling and we cant seem to get it to resolve itself so our family doc wants him to see cardio-vas doctor.  Sat. Lily is having her 9th birthday party at a local skating rink.  You can bet that Moo Moo will NOT be on skates.   On Sun. we will go to our grand-daughter Rachael's dance recital.  So that will be a busy weekend for us. Fun, but busy.  As I was telling friends Sat. we must get children.....cause we are taking way to many pictures of the "girls" (aka cats).  But they make us laugh so much and give us oh so many photo hope you enjoy the pics.  All our love.   Ken and Glynda :)