Thursday, June 16, 2011

Its oh so cooooool!

Several weeks ago I had shown you some note cards I had made. Today I can show you the other design I made.  Judy received these as a Mothers Day gift from her daughter Shelly.  Since they had the initial J on them didnt want Judy to see them and figure out they were for her.  She got the package this week so now I can share these with you.  They were fun and quick to put together.  Think that this may be a great Christmas teachers gifts.  

Here are just 3 of the designs.  I made 10 note cards using red/black/white.  I had 5 papers and made 2 of each.

Hi everyone:  today we had our new a/c and heat unit installed.  They arrived about 9:30 so until they finished around 3 we had no a/c but is nice and cool.  Thank goodness for floor and ceiling fans.  They kept us pretty comfortable.  Monday Ken goes in and has a cast made for his permanent leg.  The one he has now is considered "temporary" because it has the titanium post.  But the permanent one will have "flesh" colored covering over the whole leg and will look more like a leg.  So this is exciting cause it means that Ken has done really well and the stump has healed completely and very well.  We have been very blessed with the healing and there has been no infections or other problems.  Thank you Lord!!!  We are also gonna see about a waterproof leg that he can wear in the shower.  That will be really nice for Ken.  Sunday is Fathers hope everyone has a wonderful day.  Remember to call your dad and let him know you love him and appreciate all he has done for you.  Plans are to take Ken out on Sat. for his Father's Day dinner.  He hasnt let me know where he wants to go yet....he said something about Amarillo....but he was joking (or at least I hope he was!!! LOL).  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda:)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Sunday to all

Good afternoon to all our friends and family.  Since the temp is rising to 100 we wil be staying inside the house today!  I have been on a HUGE cleaning spree.  The garage is 50% emptied out!  I have the first batch being picked up tomorrow to be hauled off then I will start on round 2.  Think it should take me about 3 rounds to have it completely empty.  WOW - the first time since the day we moved in.....only 17 years ago.  Then the next big project will be to clean out and empty 2 spare bedroom closets.  Stuff has been packed away since we moved in and now is the time for it to alllllllll be gone.  Ken is concerned that if he sits to long in one spot....I will put him out on the curb!  (LOL)  After cleaning out and re-organizing my shop it really got me in the mood to "clean" out and get rid of.  By the time I finish I will be a pro and cleaning out.  My dad has been having some cervical problems and needs to have surgery, but now he has re-injured his lower back (he had surgery a few years ago)  and will be going in for an MRI on it this week.  He is going to need surgery in this area as well as he is losing strength and use of his right leg.  Once he gets this scheduled we will be heading to Tyler to be with daddy and mother.  I dont know if they will do lower back and cervical at same time, or if he will have to have 2 separate surgeries.  Please keep my folks in your prayers and thoughts.  Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and a great week.  Love and hug those close to you.  Love, Ken and Glynda :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

...and so summer begins!

This is the only pic I got of Kitty that was not a BLURRRRRRRR!  She just zoomed around so fast.  After the graduation ceremony all the "graduates" walk thru the halls and around the school.  Here the walk had just started and I got a quick snap.  She looked so great in her little black lace dress.  MooMoo is so proud of you sweet girl.

Here is a pic of the proud parents - Cherry and Jason.  Next to Cherry is her dad Randall (short sleeve shirt).

Madison standing in line waiting to go on stage and get her certificate.  Doesnt she look like a movie star!

Here is a pic of momma and daughter.  They are both so beautiful!

Happy Monday to all.  Can't believe that school is out and summer time has begun!  Didn't school just start?  Last Wed. Madi graduated from middle school and will enter high school this year.  Kitty graduated grade school and will enter middle school this year.  Wow!!!  We are in the midst of having a whole new a/c heating system installed.  They came out Friday and gave us the cost...ok, there goes summer on the yatch.  Oh well, the exsisting unit is only 28 years old...guess it is time to put in a new system.  Just waiting now to find out when they will be here to start the work.  I really started feeling my age this past week when I heard from Julie Berman...wife of the Ortho surgeon I used to work for.   In Aug. he will celebrate 30 years in practice.  I went to work for him in 84 - 27 years ago.  Just does not seem possible.  I swear I am not older than 30 myself!!!!!  I am busy working on the 3 tiered wedding cake - about 1/2 way done and I will post pictures when I get it done. Ken is scheduled for June 30 to have his cataract removed from his right eye then he will go in several weeks later for the left eye.  I told him the bad thing about having this done is that he will see how old I actually look....Been trying to convience him I still look 40!!!! ok, ok, that I still look 50.   Enjoyed having you stop in for a visit.  Hug those close to you.   Love to all,  Glynda and Ken :)