Friday, September 30, 2011

A beautiful Georgia wedding

Here are the bride and groom - Billy and Mitzi Allen - both were oh so beautiful!

Here are the proud parents of the groom - Billy and Mary Allen - Mary is Ken's sister

This is a view of the ocean that was the backdrop for the wedding - absolutely wonderful

The minister is Mitzi's brother - he did the service in English and Hawaiian - He did a beautiful service

Here is the "cake box" I made for everyone to put their envelopes/cards in -  I was very happy with the way it turned out - the roses are so pretty

Here is my sister in law, Margaret, (in the pink top) doing the hula.  Part of the reception were hula dancers and at one point they asked guests to get up and join in.

At the reheresal dinner on Friday nite we had bar-b-que and a Low Country Boil.  There was oysters, and the boil consisted of corn on the cob, potatoes, shrimp and sausage.  Ken was in hog heaven with the oysters.

SLURPPPPPPPPPPPPP!  Thats the sound Ken was making when we was eating his oysters.  I wish I had sound to go along with this pic! 

Lil' Billy (the groom) has a house right on the marsh.  Here is a picture of the marsh - lots of wild critters live out here!!! big and little  (big as is alligagtors!)

I love the way moss hangs from the trees here.....

Mary made the groom's cake and the wedding cake.  Each layer is a different was oh so beautiful!

Here is the groom's cake.  Since Billy and Mitzi hike he wanted hiking boots for his cake.  These are exact replicas of his boots - size and everything.  The boots were made out of brownies covered with black fondant.  Its all made from chocolate, brownie or red velvet cake - so you can (and we did) eat it all - even the rocks, dirt, leaves and pine needles (found on any trail) were made of chocolate.  Talk about a talented sister in law!

I made 50 invitations for a15th birthday celebration for one of Madi's BFF's.  Her theme is pumpkin and roses - her birthday is Oct. 31 and her favorite flower is the rose.... wish you could see how they shimmer....spritzed them with shimmer mist.

Wow - I sure did have lots of pictures for you to see.  We had a wonderful trip to Ga.  Our route took us thru La, Miss, Ala, Fla, and Ga.  Have to tell you - being back home....back to reality is hard.  It is oh so nice having someone come in and make the beds, clean the room and give you fresh having breakfast made for you.  Ok, lets just say, I could learn to live this way!! Mary and  Billy put on a great rehersal dinner and the wedding....OMG beautiful.  We felt just like we were in Hawaii.  The Kings and Prince Resort in St. Simon's Island was the location of the wedding.  With the wedding outside the backdrop was of the ocean.  The bride and groom stood under palm trees, a gentle breeze off the ocean and hawaiian music softly playing in the background.  The reception was wonderful, lots of food and drink.  I can truly say that So. Georgia really knows how to put on one heck of a wedding.  We had a neighbor's son come over and feed the cats instead of taking them to the vets.  The inside girls....okay, they shunned us for a day after we got back but they are over it by now.  Miss Kitty the outside kitty gave me love as soon as we got least someone was glad to see us.  Ken is adjusting to not having his fill of seafood every day.  He really OD'd while we were on our trip.  We had beautiful weather and boy oh boy is everything green in Fla and Ga - made me so jealous over the thick, soft to walk on grass.  We are heading out next week to Tyler to visit my folks and visit with Ken's sister Margaret.  So we will be hitting the road on Tues.  See everyone when we get home.  Love to all - Ken and Glynda :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Here is why the fires are so wild here....this is a pic of our back yard....or what is left of it.  The front looks like this as well.  We are watering only once a week, but so hot and dry....not helping!
These 2 pictures are of the fire smoke coming from Bastrop.  I was sitting out on our back porch when taking these pictures.

The helicopters were flying overhead hauling water to dump on the fires.  I snapped these from the porch.  If you click on the pics you can get a close up view

On a lighter is Ethel taking a nap with her dad....he's asleep in his chair and she is asleep on the floor.

And then we have "Bad Kitty".  Lucy thinks it is ok, and actually her place to lay on the table, on top of the paper while I am having my coffee and trying to read the paper.  She doesn't even budge when I get the camera out and start clicking away!  Is this because she is a bad kitty.....or because I am a bad momma!!!!!!

And lastly we have Miss Kitty.  She was out on the porch while I was taking some pics and I caught her relaxing.  She is such a sweetie....beautiful black fur and golden yellow eyes......

Good Tuesday morning to one and all.  I hope that you all had a wonderful, relaxing and safe Labor Day weekend.  The Moon household was quiet - which was very nice.  I had my friend Tina come over on Mon. and we played out in the shop and learned a new project so we can get a jump start on gift making.  I also want to thank you all for the calls of concern regarding the fire in Bastrop.  It has been really bad, but we are safe.  I have not heard the news today to know if it is under control.  The news comes on at 11 so I will be listening.  As of 10:30 last nite it was not under control - as reported it was 0% contained.  There were so many fires around here and in the state of Texas.  the news reported that over the weekend firefighters had responded to 63 separate fires in Texas.  With everything so dry here.....just one tiny spark and a fire is raging.  You saw the pics above that were taken Mon. afternoon.  It looked like the whole city of Bastrop was on fire.  The news reported last nite that 25,000 acres had been burned up to then and 476 homes had been burned.  Schools were closed in Bastrop and several in the Austin and surrounding area due to fires.  We are getting ready for our trip to Ga.  So excited.  Our neighbor's son is coming over everyday to take care of kitties.  He won't ever see them, but he can feed them and clean out litter box.  I like having him come that way someone is in the house everyday making sure all is ok.  Hope everyone has a great week.  To our family....will see you next week!  Hug those near.   Love, Ken and Glynda